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We are an organization of Calabrian agricultural producers specializing in the production of citrus fruits, kiwi, peaches, tangerines and bergamot for both fresh consumption and essential oils, proud of the agricultural traditions of our area.

We believe in the values of quality and want to offer excellent products to conscious consumers throughout the country and also abroad.

We decided to join forces to compete with local productions in an increasingly globalized market and offer quality food to all.

Together we can improve product knowledge, protect and innovate to always offer the best to our members and consumers, without giving up our values.

We count on strong collaboration to have better organizational and distribution services.

The P.O., gives our producers the opportunity to focus their work activities to improve the quality of the land, the plants and thus the product, delegating the professionals who make it up and manage it to the research, optimization and mechanization activities essential to our existence and growth.


We cultivate our land with passion, to protect the consumer as well as our future.


Biodiversity protects life on earth.
Our contribution is to protect local typicality.


Transparency governs relationships among members as well as those with consumers.


All-around, toward the land, among members, toward the user